Co curricular Activities
Our school focuses on co-curricular activities because these activities facilitates in the development of various domains of mind and emotional, social moral and aesthetic development.
They enable to supplement and complement the curricular or main syllabi activities. These are the very important part and parcel of educational institutions to develop the students personality as well as to strengthen the class room learning

The Activities

Dramatics-English / Hindi
Oral interpretation of literature through dramatic activity, storytelling is an effective method of promoting enjoyment of literature, developing oral expression and increasing reading comprehension. RDIS provides its student with great chance of enjoying with learning.

Music - Indian / Western
Music washes away from the soul the dust of everyday life. Be it Indian Classical or Western both of them are sparkled with vigour. Students at RDIS can be a part of this club to hone their potential skill.

Elocution / Public Speaking
Expression be it oral or verbal is a art. Public speaking is not only Expressing but also binding the listeners with what you are saying. Students at RDIS can be a part of this club to bring in their speaking ability at its forefront.

Debates / Declamation
Arguments, Counter Arguments brings better analytical, comprehensive understanding of the subject. Debates not only require an effective communication skill but also involves a in depth knowledge of the subject.

Handicraft Activities
Creativity, Visualization, Flair of art brings together a sound master piece.

Quiz Contest
Knowledge about the macro environment around you is what you require to be a successful Quizzer.
Outdoor Activities
Yoga, Aerobics
Martial Art / Judo / Karate

Indoor Activities

Grursus mal suada faci lisis that ipsum ameti consecte.

Grursus mal suada faci lisis that ipsum ameti consecte.

Public Speaking
Grursus mal suada faci lisis that ipsum ameti consecte.

Grursus mal suada faci lisis that ipsum ameti consecte.
RDIS Clubs/Societies

Science Club
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Mathematics Club
Grursus mal suada faci lisis that ipsum ameti consecte.

Rangoli / Painting
Grursus mal suada faci lisis that ipsum ameti consecte.

Lovely Choir
Grursus mal suada faci lisis that ipsum ameti consecte.

Lovely Times
Grursus mal suada faci lisis that ipsum ameti consecte.

Instrumental Music-Tabla /Bongo / Harmonium
Grursus mal suada faci lisis that ipsum ameti consecte.